Bioethanol does not release harmful substances. It can be stored indoors away from children and heat sources.
One question potential bioKamino product buyers have is whether the fuel used, bioethanol, can be hazardous during home use or storage. A fair question, to which the best answer is only one: “use common sense.” Let’s see whý.

Bioethanol is a flammable fuel, so we should follow some simple precautions that are no different from those we normally take for other products used in our homes. It should be kept away from children and from heat sources: it’s common sense, again. Another useful tip is to follow the installation instructions that are provided with each bioKamino product. To minimize any risk, our fireplaces are made in Italy and built to the highest standard.
Speaking of safety, it is important to highlight that the use of our fireplaces does not put your healt at risk. While burning, bioethanol does not emit any harmful substance; its combustion consumes oxygen (O2) and produces carbon dioxide (CO2), therefore it is recommended to place your bioKamino in a room that can be easily ventilated. A normal air exchange (talking about common sense) is plenty for a proper use. Last, but not least, the use of good quality bioethanol also prevents the spread of unwanted odors.

Are you planning to purchase a bioethanol fireplace? Are you curious to know more about bioKamino world? Would you like to think about the various solutions with your architect (or client)?
Contact us by phone at +39 02 96781660 or by email at info@biokamino.com.
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